Starting a Business with no Money. How to do it?

It all Starts with an Idea

Do not try to find the black thread at the beginning. There are formulas that are already winning; take one and innovate: cheaper, luxurious, better service, personalized, simpler, prettier, faster, at home, in a single application.Keep in mind that then you will have to adapt that idea to the immediate and make it work exclusively with the resources you have. Starting a Business I mean, keep it simple at first.

The Plan

I Suggest you Contain:

  • Brief and specific description of the business. Only one paragraph, but if you can one line, the better. The requirement is that anyone who reads it instantly understands your product or service.
  • Simple budget. That is, how much money do you have and what other resources do you have, such as time, knowledge, experience, contacts, potential partners, leads, business contracts that cover car insurance, and more.
  • Immediate actions under the given budget.

Financing Means

If you really don’t have any money, there is only one way to start: apply for funds or work for them.

If you already have experience in the area you want to get involved in, then you can apply and you have these funding options.

Friends and family: Keep in mind that “clear accounts, long friendships”. I assure you that you don’t want to ruin your interpersonal relationships for the sake of money.

Crowdfunding: crowdfunding platforms. If you don’t know and think your idea won’t be appealing enough, you should do a little research on the crazy projects that have sprung up in this way.

Start Small by Thinking Big

There is no cash to be made when starting a business. The more you have, the more you are spending, so keep it as simple as possible. Adjust your business model to avoid fixed costs as much as possible (avoid unnecessary rents, salaries and services). Make the internet your business, school, marketing center, means of contact, anything.

Make a list of the things that will be essential for your business and another of the things that you could get for free, do them on your own or exchange them with others who have what you want and who want what you can contribute.

This path may take you some time and you may have to learn various digital skills, but that will make you grow as a person, as an entrepreneur and in the future as an entrepreneur.

Sale and Adjustment of Nuts

Starting a Business with your natural market i.e. H. everyone you know, family, friends, former employees, etc. Send a WhatsApp to every single contact on your agenda to offer your product or service, make your first sale and don’t forget to provide feedback on service and quality To obtain your offer. That way, you can start making the appropriate adjustments.

Final Thoughts

  • Low Cost: Regardless of the size of your business or business, you need to keep this idea as a mantra. Keep costs low, both financially and in terms of time and effort.
  • Budget reserve: Have a “small saving” that will allow you to cover your expenses and those of your company for at least six months, which is when you should have reached your equilibrium point.
  • Regime before the Treasury: You can start as a natural person and move to a legal entity the moment you see your business happening.

Are you going to make a lot of mistakes? Of course (and more than you think). Every one of your steps needs to be corrected and you need to take others that haven’t even crossed your mind. But don’t worry, it’s natural. Just adjust and move on.

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