10 Aids Of Social Media For Your Business

Social media has proven to be beneficial for business. They started as an experiment but over the years they have been consolidated and are now part of the daily lives of millions of people. In them they share a lot of information and this is what companies use to reach their target audience.

Maybe you had not thought about it but social networks are part of the habits of your customers. Therefore, it may be a good idea to reach them through these channels to offer your products or services. If you do not know where to start, if you do not have time to publish content or the campaigns you have done have not worked well, at Sublimar we can help you with your profiles on social networks.

Here are 10 details why your company should be on social networks and how it can help you improve your Asana for business.

1. Faster and Easier Communication

The ability to contact client service directly is an important plus. The customer benefits from more direct communication. You simply have to access the company profile and start a conversation. It can be through private messages, comments, or chat.

Social media posts contribute a great deal in simplifying the ideas you wish to communicate with your potential customers. You can create promotional videos for social media platforms to explain your new schemes, features, offers, etc better.

Without a doubt, it is more comfortable and faster than a call to a call center where they can have you on hold. Providing good customer service boosts word of mouth.

At Sublime we offer customer service on social networks 7 days a week. In this way, our clients manage to transmit a very positive image on social networks. Social Media

2. Dissemination of Important News and Messages

Social networks allow fast two-way communication, that is, it is not only easier for the user, but also the company benefits because it can arrive faster to communicate important news and messages.

Each social network has its strengths, for example LinkedIn has a more professional and business approach. It is perfect for press releases, images or videos that show the news that may interest potential shareholders, followers and customers.

If the content is expressive, it is more likely to go viral on networks like Facebook or Instagram. However, after the changes made by Facebook when choosing what content is displayed on the wall, the vast majority of content published by companies only reaches a small part of their followers.

On Facebook unless a post has a good interaction from the beginning, its reach will be limited. In fact, many companies systematically promote all their publications to reach the majority of their followers or similar audiences to achieve their objectives.

3. Expand the Network of Contacts and Collaborations

A very positive aspect of social networks is that they allow you to bridge great distances in contact networks. We can directly address a politician, a journalist, a famous athlete or actor. We can also connect directly with other people, who without being so famous, can help us boost our brand through some collaboration, we are talking about influencers.

These possibilities can be very beneficial to build a brand image that generates trust and loyalty. It can be very useful for example to achieve mentions, positive evaluations, links, etc.

Being on social networks also allows you to be aware of the news in your sector of activity. There is always a better fish or a company that is more innovative. Knowing what the competition is doing is also important to avoid becoming obsolete.

4. Increase Visibility in Search Engines

Large Internet search engines such as Google or Bing use increasingly complex algorithms. One of the parameters that they undoubtedly take into account is whether a content is popular on social networks. If the public likes it on social networks, it is more likely to rise in search results.

Being successful in social networks positively influences your SEO positioning.

Currently these signals do not have as much weight as for example the links in order to position in searches. However, if your content is successful on social networks and is shared, it is likely that it will generate new links. On many occasions from websites that were not even on your radar to create links.

5. Increase Traffic to your Website

If you manage to be successful in social networks and you rise in search positions, it will increase the traffic to your website. In addition, social networks allow you to reach the public that interests you. You can filter spectators based on their location, demographics, and interests.

To give a couple of examples: If you have a cocktail bar, you can make your offers reach people under 35 who live less than 20 km from your place. If you take Japanese or Thai cooking courses, you can focus on people interested in culinary art or this type of food who also reside near your school.

6. Customer Feedback

In social networks, in addition to sharing photos, memes and news, users also share opinions. If your business is on social networks, it will be easier for you to collect ratings from your customers. If these contents are positive, it is highly recommended to use them on your website to reinforce the image of the company. Social Media

In addition, we can better control negative reviews that could affect the reputation of the business. Some companies ignore comments on social networks and the Internet in general. Today this is a serious mistake, the vast majority of people use the Internet before making a decision about where to buy, where to eat, where to stay, etc.

Even if you sell good products and try to give the best service, there will always be a dissatisfied customer. One of the services where they usually pour their anger is social networks. Being present allows you to manage the problem, give a response and an apology if necessary.

7. Content Generated by Your Users

Many businesses have the ability to involve their customers in their online marketing . For example, clothing stores, accessories or establishments such as bars and restaurants can encourage their customers to create content. The leitmotif can be a contest that encourages the sharing of photos or videos on social networks with your products.

Sometimes we are lucky Social Media that an Instagram youtuber or micro influencer is a customer and selflessly decides to tell about their positive experience using the company’s products or services. If this is not the circumstance, we can apply point 3 and try to contact someone for some collaboration.

8. Impress Potential Customers

All this communication work, contacts and positive feedback can be perfect for impressing potential clients. People who search the Internet for the products and services you offer.

It is important to uphold a good standing and also to respond quickly and satisfactorily to questions. If it is achieved it will be beneficial since you will be able to impress and get them to choose you.

9. More Dynamic Digital Marketing

Social media is the perfect setting to experiment with digital marketing. It can work perfectly with small investments and rapid tests that reach thousands of people in a few days. This allows you to test different ideas and types of content, and then assess the level of interest of the audience.

Instead of doing six-month campaigns worth several thousand euros, you can create campaigns that we adjust over time. It is about applying an agile methodology where through iterative processes we are profiling the audience, improving the ads and the results of the campaigns.

10. Headhunters

Social systems can be of great help when hiring staff. Both to spread job offers and to find talent or steal it from the competition.

As a social network, LinkedIn stands out above the rest in this regard. All headhunters and human resources departments move on this social network, and job seekers know it. If you strategy to grow and hire staff, it may be a good idea to maintain a good presence in this type of social network.

Bottom line: Can your business give up all these benefits of social media? . If you want to take advantage of social networks to attract your audience and increase sales, in Sublimar we can help you. We are experts managing company profiles and short, medium and long-term campaigns that allow companies to get in touch with their target audience.

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