The Ten Most Valuable Companies In The World

Most Valuable Companies In The World

Alphabet might sound like a foreign company, but in reality, it is the giant behind Google.

Far from the rest, Apple continues to lead the list of the most valuable companies in the world, according to market analysis by financial consultants.

And although there are as many indicators as there are ways to measure the value of a company that trades on the stock market, one of the most used is the one built by Standard & Poor’s Financial Services (S&P).

According to this indicator, after the technology giant co-founded by Steve Jobs comes Alphabet Inc., Google’s parent multinational includes other biotechnology, health, and telecommunications firms under its umbrella.

They are Still On The List – In Descending Order – Microsoft, Amazon, And Facebook.

The financial sector bursts in a little further down with Berkshire Hathaway, the fund manager led by billionaire Warren Buffett, known as the “master of Wall Street.”

They remain followed by Johnson & Johnson (manufacturer of medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and personal care); JP Morgan Chase & Co (one of the oldest financial services companies in the world); Exxon Mobil Corp (US oil company); and Bank of America (bank holding company).

Those That Lead In Latin America Most Valuable Companies In The World

The first on the list of the most valuable companies in Latin America is the Beverage Company of the Americas (AmBev), a Brazilian firm born from the merger between Antarctica and Brahma, and which a few years later sealed an alliance with Interbrew—becoming one of the largest breweries in the world by sales volume.

It remains followed by Sao Paulo-based financial conglomerate Itau Holding, which increased in value after partnering with Unibanco.

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The list remains completed by the semi-public Brazilian oil company Petrobras, majority-owned by the state; Companhia Vale does Rio Doce (Vale), which operates in the mining, logistics, iron and steel energy and oil sectors; in addition to Bradesco, one of the largest private banks in Brazil and Latin America (in total assets).

Now addition to market capitalization, some rankings measure the “value” of a company by weight or importance concerning others that appear in the same index. In this case, the analysis includes, in addition to the market capitalization, the size of the company, and other variables.

Globally, the S&P 500 Index ranks them by weight as follows: Most Valuable Companies In The World

  • Apple Inc.
  • Microsoft Corp
  • com Inc
  • Facebook Inc A
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Berkshire Hathaway B
  • JP Morgan Chase & Co
  • Exxon Mobil Corp
  • Alphabet Inc A
  • Alphabet Inc C

It does the same with the companies in the region grouped in the S&P Latin America BMI ranking:

  • Itau Unibanco Holding SA Prf
  • Vale S.A.
  • Bradesco Prf bench
  • Ambev S.A.
  • América Movil SAB de CV L

With the volatility of the markets, the stock market ranking changes every minute, making the list of companies with the highest market value in the world constantly fluctuate.

However, if a high-impact event does not occur in the market, it is generally the giants themselves who compete for the first place.

US hegemony has remained closely followed by Asian companies such as Tencent (China) and Samsung (South Korea) in recent times.

Fascinating is the case of Tencent, which usually ranks eleven in the global ranking. A few weeks ago, it displaced Facebook (for a day) from its historic fifth place. However, he is one step away from getting a more permanent seat.

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