Types of Interactive Boards and Their Uses

There are many different types of smart boards, each with its specific uses. In this article, you’ll learn what smart boards are, how they work, how much is a smart board for, and which ones are the best for your needs.

An Interactive Board

An interactive whiteboard is a board that allows you to write on it, erase your writing and doodles and then save them for future reference. They are beneficial for teaching because students can make notes about what they write on the board and interact with it. Interactive whiteboards are used in science, humanities, or mathematics classes.

In-glass Film

The in-glass film is a thin, transparent, durable film installed on the glass surface. It is a cost-effective solution for interactive glass applications, can be used for indoor and outdoor applications, and can be used for large and small areas.

Interactive Table

Interactive tables are a great option for classrooms needing multiple users. The interactive surface of this product can support up to four simultaneous finger touches, making it ideal for group activities and lessons where students are expected to collaborate. Interactive tables also have access to a wide range of mouse-like devices, including pens and styluses explicitly designed for use on such screens. These devices allow you to write or draw directly onto the screen and perform functions like dragging objects around the screen or rotating them in 3D space.

A Smart Kiosk

A smart kiosk is a computerized display that is usually used for advertising and information. It is usually a touchscreen or a projector and can be used in retail stores or other locations to provide product information. This kind of technology has existed for many years but was not very common until recently.

Digital Wallpaper

Digital wallpaper is a thin sheet of film that is placed on the wall. The screen still behaves like a touch screen and can be used to display information, images and video.

Digital wallpaper is made of thin film, making it easy to install on any wall in your home or office. The benefits of having this type of smart board are:

  • It can be installed anywhere in your home or office. This will save you from buying other furniture for your home or office. You can also use the space above your doors to make them look beautiful by installing this type of smart board there;
  • It is easy to clean;
  • You can change its size according to the room size you have because it comes in different sizes

Projected Capacitive Touch (pCap) Screens

Projected Capacitive Touch (pCap) screens are an excellent choice for interactive displays. They’re durable, thin and easy to clean, making them ideal for areas with high traffic. In addition, pCaps don’t require any calibration once installed—turn them on, and you’re ready to go!

However, these screens are also the most expensive option of all three types of display surfaces available in Smart Boards.

As per Vibe experts, “When researching the costs of smartboards, it’s important to take into account any additional expenditures that may be necessary to use them.

  1. Cost of Stand(wall mount/Floor stand)
  2. Cost of stylus
  3. Cost of Software subscription.”

Hope this guide helps you decide which smart board is suitable for your needs. Remember that there are many types of interactive whiteboards on the market, so do your research before buying one.