Content Marketing: Pardon is it and how Does It Effort?

Have you heard of Content Marketing? Do you have any impression of what it is about, but you are not convinced that it applies to your company or venture? Can’t figure out what are the steps you must follow to be within this new marketing trend? If you have asked yourself any of these questions at any period, you are in the right place!

This article will introduce you to the universe of digital marketing, more specifically content marketing, and we will explain the importance of using it in any company, as it is the most effective and efficient way to reach your customers.

How did we get to Content Marketing ?: the evolution of Marketing

In the business environment, marketing is the form of communication that we all have regarding those around us. We could say that marketing is the two-way communication of the company with the market. In other words, its main objective is to obtain information from the market and send data to it to help achieve the ultimate aim of any company, which is to increase its profitability.

That is why marketing seeks to permanently streamline the company’s communication with the market , detecting needs, defining products, prices, advertising actions, and seeking to reduce costs and increase the organization’s income.

Over time, the offer of similar products increased, and marketing realized that the market had developed, and they were no longer satisfied only with the product but asked for more. Companies began to provide services.

The era of marketing of services made the product was accompany by customer service, after-sales service, installation, support, etc.

Consumers realized that all companies provided the same services and forced them to migrate to a new dimension: the sale of experiences.

What is content marketing? Definition, objectives, and advantages

Content Marketing is a marketing strategy aimed at generating valuable content for our clients.

It is a new conception of marketing, where the company, which has already defined the customer segment in which it wants to position itself and has gotten to know it, has identified what their tastes are, their preferences, what activities their customers carry out, etc. .; define guidelines on which that customer segment finds it attractive to receive information – training and begins to produce it.

The tactics will seek to attract our customer segment to our products, but without direct sales actions.

We must tolerate that this new era of marketing does not exclude the previous ones but includes them. The product, the service, and the experience are part of it, making sure that when that customer we want to attract with the generated content chooses us, we provide everything that he expects, being competitive in products, prices, location, promotions, etc.

Content Marketing Objective:

  1. Create value for our current and potential clients.
  2. Build bridges of trust in our relationship with current and potential clients.
  3. Retain existing customers and convert potential customers into real ones.

Advantages of Content Marketing:

  1. It is possible to use non-traditional communication channels, which are cheaper and lower the costs of marketing in organizations (we spend less money).
  2. Relationships with our clients are one of familiarity, sympathy, and trust, which extends the client’s life span for our organization.

What are the rank of the Internet and Social Networks for content marketing?

But how do we capture the attention of our target audience in the gigantic universe of the Internet? What characteristics must the content have? Where do I put that content?

These are some of the questions that you should be asking yourself at this time.