The Importance Of Business Education

What is business education and why is it necessary?

The first thing is to differentiate business education from business training. We understand by training the process of acquiring more or less development. Aptitude or ability, while education refers to the development or improvement of intellectual faculties.

Of course, before, during and after embarking on the “adventure” of starting a business. It is necessary for the entrepreneur to have the basic training necessary to support the necessary decision-making throughout the business activity. The fact that the employer has basic knowledge in economic theory. Tax. labor or financial aspects. Including commercial law or comparing business insurance reviews. Can be an important weapon when said employer can take over the helm of his company and take it firmly to achieve the business objectives set.

All these aspects are part of business training.

This training can be learnt in various ways.

Spirit of the Entrepreneur

Currently the outsourcing or outsourcing processes make it possible for any entrepreneur to have all these areas of knowledge covered in his company through the hiring of the respective services to external companies labor tax financial advisors lawyers etc.

Anyone Anyone who wants to launch into the business world will not need this specialized training to carry out their business plans.

In such a way that either on its own initiative or through the outsourcing of these services, the aspect of business training can be covere.

But in addition to everything discussed so far, certain aspects must be taken into account that also influence the result obtained in the organization of a business. These aspects fit more to the “spirit of the entrepreneur” and are the basic circumstances that must compose the “character” of the entrepreneur. There is no system that provides business education. Education in the values ​​necessary for the entrepreneur and that. Reinforced with the technical-training aspect, make up the framework that the entrepreneur must have to carry out successful business management.

Business Education

It is these aspects that concern “business education” that we want to focus on. The best, and almost only. Way to be able to reflect those aspects or conditions that every entrepreneur must meet is through experience.

Logically, it would not be convenient for the employer to acquire this education in the exercise of their activity there is always time for that. If not the experience of people who were like them in their day can contribute that knowledge and some invaluable points of view that will give added value and will enrich that business education that seems vital to us.

Business Pedagogy

When I was studying at the Normal, they taught me that Pedagogy is a normative science that studies how educational phenomena are carrie out and how they should be carrie out, thus acquiring a philosophical task: the integral formation of the human being, understood in all its greatness.

With this concept we went to the classrooms, we thought about forming a human being with moral, civic, ethical principles … these were the pretensions of education until before the arrival of business pedagogy.

Business pedagogy, Sacristán (1982) points out, “offers with special emphasis to teachers a utilitarian and efficient vision, equating the factory with the school. The danger in embracing industrial metaphors from the world of corporate management is that technical solutions to moral dilemmas are impose on education.

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