Business Communication – What Is Business Communication?

What do companies expect from their employees? What do they want and expect from them about communication? Easy, they can communicate in person, writing, and orally with colleagues, clients, other organizations, and the general public.

And we ask ourselves, what makes business communication so important? The answer is simple: business communication makes relationships with colleagues and partners effective and helps you create a better strategy.

It contributes to the emergence of more innovative projects, influences decisions, and makes your proposals are better accepted. It also helps employees improve and manage their working relationships with clients and resolve conflicts more effectively.

Good communication helps you have more opportunities. Therefore, in this object, we will teach you the main points you should know to improve your communication in any situation, as well as strategies that will help you increase your effectiveness in different areas.

Business Communication

We communicate in different ways throughout the day. There are many ways to do it. Business communication is defined as the spoken or written way of interacting between the people who make up the company and is classified as internal communication and external communication.

The internal communication takes place within organizations, and flows in different directions, flows down (to the staff), upward (toward managers, movement), and horizontally (between manager-manager, staff-staff, etc.).

The downward flow of communication occurs when management provides information, gives instructions, requests feedback, and generally supports and motivates employees. It also flows upward as employees offer feedback and input, report on their activities, and request support.

Finally it flows horizontally through the organization to facilitate the exchange of information between departments and support the coordination of the work carried out by interdepartmental teams.

Commercial and external communication includes interactions between organizations and the external environment. For example, an organization may communicate with public members, such as current and potential customers, and with other organizations, such as suppliers, government offices, and the media.

Business communication can take the form of oral interaction through conversations and meetings, whether in person, online, or over the phone, through written documents such as emails, marketing materials, website, and social media posts, blogs, reports, and proposals.

Fundamental Principles In Business Communication

Any form of communication requires interacting with another person or group of people to convey a message.

It helps to imagine the communication exchange of messages between a sender and a receiver through a medium or channel of communication.

The sender encodes a message through sounds, written words, images, videos, spoken language, or body languages, such as signs, facial expressions, and tone of voice. The message then reaches the receiver, the audience, which decodes and can decide to respond or not.

However, this transmission of messages is not always straightforward. While the receiver hears or sees the news. And also, a series of problems that act as “noise” can limit their ability to understand or assimilate it.

These problems include how the message is expressed, issues with the technology used, the receiver’s inability to process the news. And a lack of common ground (such as cultural factors such as values, beliefs, and language) between the sender.

And the receiver. In some cases, when a common background is not shared, the people involved must work hard to build mutual understanding and therefore exchange various messages or use a variety of different media.

Fundamental Principles Of Business Communication

The following fundamental principles of business communication will help you get a message across to your recipient:

Understand your audience

It is essential to appreciate and be aware of your audience, the people with whom you communicate. You must adapt the content and the mode of communication to the characteristics of the audience.

These include your interests and beliefs, backgrounds, roles, and personalities. In companies and organizations, you must analyze the sector, the products, and even their competition. Thorough research is essential to understand your needs.

Therefore it is essential to make thoroughly before communicating with people you just met who may be from a different context. It will help you achieve your current goal and build or improve your business relationships.