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Smartphone – What is a Smart cell phone?


Smartphone have come to stay and indeed produced a profound alteration in people’s lives. Since it was creating, they have not stopped evolving and incorporating new features.


Definition of Smartphone

Why do we approximately that a Smartphone is a micro?

What features does a Smartphone or Smart Mobile Telephone have?

The computer of the Smartphone

RAM Memory

The interior Memory of the Smartphone

The scope of the Smartphone screen

The cordless of the Smartphone

The photograph camera of the Smartphone

What are the Gain and Drawbacks of Smartphones?

Compensations of Smartphones

Difficulties of Smartphones

Brief historical appraisal of Smartphones or Smartphones

What requests can a Smartphone consume?

Meaning of Smartphone or Smartphone.

A smart cell telephone (called a smartphone in English ) is strictly a concise computer, added to a traditional mobile handset (making phone calls, distributing SMS messages, etc.). We can home the smartphone middle between a conventional cell phone and a processer as it unites the competencies of both ends.

Why do we approximately that a Smartphone is a micro?

A Smart Phone or Smartphone is a portable calculation stage. Currently, they have a greater volume to store data and achieve activities simultaneously. They can comfortably accomplish many tasks that an old-style computer does. For this aim, in a way, they are replacing desktop computers, relegating them to charges of more incredible difficulty and for when visual ease is needed to effort. They have full connectivity to the Net and between phones, which allows information to be easily shared. We can say that a Smartphone or Smartphone is a concise computer.

What characteristics does a Smart mobile or Smart Mobile Phone have?

The different features that we can develop are directly related to the parts of the smart cell phone.The speed of the phone, its features, and the cost of smartphone insurance are what you must take into account when buying a “smart mobile”

1-The processor of the Smartphone.

It is a fundamental component of any smartmobile. The computing power to perform the task depends on it. The higher the speeds of the processors, the higher the phone’s performance, giving the feeling that it “flies” when working. The processor’s speed is published in the box of the device and can be evaluated fundamentally by the number of cores it has. Currently, machines come with 4 or 8 cores (or cores); 8 seats are faster.

2-RAM Memory.

This is a memory that the Smart mobile uses to work and function. It is speedy and allows you to store open applications and temporary data while the device is used and turned on. It is like a lung that giving the phone the ability to breathe. The higher the RAM, the better. Your information disappears and is erase when the device is turn off. It is measure in GigaBytes, and smartphones can have from 2 GB, 4 GB to 6 GB of RAM. If we open many applications, the RAM will fill up, and the smartphones will slow down.

3-The Size of the Smartphone Screen.

The Screen of a Smart mobile is significant for the daily experience that the user has with it. You have to look for a screen with better resolutions, clarity, and color quality, but the choice of its size is essential since it determines the size of a Smartmobile

Small Screen. Under 4.5 inches: The main reason to buy a small screen smart mobile are its compact design. With the fingers of one hand, you can reach all sectors of it.

Medium Screen. from 4.5 to 5.4 inches: The most popular smartphones have this screen size. They are pretty comfortable to use with one hand.

Large Screen or phablet. From 5.5 inches: These are devices more likely to be used with two hands. They are more comfortable watching videos, reading e-books, playing games, etc.

4-The photo camera of the Smartphone

With the appearance of Smartphones, most of the users take their pictures using their cameras instead of traditional digital cameras.

This causes manufacturers to put in better-resolution cameras as time goes on.

The cameras of Smartphones vary in Megapixels, for example, 5, 16, 20, or 48 Megapixels.

The more, the better. It shoulds are noting that other factors make cameras different, such as lens quality, light sensor, speed, lens aperture, etc. You also have to evaluate the presence of the Front camera and the Flash they have. The characteristics of the cameras are also display on the phone case.

What are the Purposes of the Marketing Department?


Companies in the tertiary sector that care about their customers look for a way to solve their problems or needs in a satisfactory way. Therefore, companies must assess the environment before designing and Advantages of using marketing plan template the product or service, and then find ways and means to attract customers. Marketing Department. That is to say, Digital marketing is the strategy to make your products or service successful.

This is only possible by focusing the functions of the marketing team, which is responsible for the development of sales strategies that help companies to position themselves in a profitable place in the market, making themselves known, improving the offer, increasing sales and profits. , optimize resources and, above all, make customers loyal to the product or service.

The Importance of the Marketing Department

Imagine what a company would be like without a team in charge of satisfying the requirements and needs of the client. Obtaining profits would certainly not be the same. For this reason, the marketing or marketing department has the task of communicating the value of a product, service or brand to a certain segment of the public to direct the fulfillment of a final objective: that of promoting or selling that product, service or brand.

Today, that business that has a marketing department (either internally or externally) has the possibility of innovating. You will get the benefit of creating new names and trademarks, as well as planning new product or service presentations.

This department is the only one capable of gathering data, factors and facts that influence the market to create what the consumer needs with research.

1. Market and Competition Research

The first investigation consists of gathering the necessary information about the market regarding the product. The distribution and the means of communication that will be used for its promotion. The needs of consumers are analyzed, such as their preferences, tastes, desires, habits and customs. It is in this phase that marketing experiments are developed and carried out, such as market studies with instruments to probe the needs of consumers, or create new consumer needs.

The second investigation will be to know what a product is for or how a service works. What are its areas of opportunity, what promotions it offers when acquiring it, and for how long.

2. Planning and Development of Marketing Strategies

Professionals in the area must carry out marketing planning that consists of developing or formulating strategies that allow achieving the objectives proposed by the company.

During development, it will be necessary to have control over the activities so that they are implemented as specified in the plans and in the indicated times; either in the short, medium and long term.

3. Sales Promotion

Inform consumers about the company’s products or services, encouraging them to purchase them. It can be done using all or any of the following methods: by digital advertising, physical form advertisements. Personal sale or special promotions in certain places or media.

4. Communication

The last function, but just as important, has to do with the dissemination of the sales promotion that involves the communication of the target audience and customers. Establishing communication with prospective clients through the means of communication that are most effective for this purpose is of greater importance; being congruent with the characteristics of the products or services offered and with the values ​​of the brand.

The marketing professional will find the means and, mainly.

5. Enable the Smarketing Process

At HubSpot we have been implementing and improving a smarketing process which has helped us raise the level of the relationship between the marketing and sales departments. Since companies that have implemented this strategy manage to close  67% more deals and reach up to 209% higher revenues , it was worth a try. But what is the role of the marketing department in all this? Let’s see:

1. Captivate the Audience

The main role of the marketing team within the smarketing processes is to attract and captivate. Although you will always seek to attract more people, you should not make random efforts, but strategic ones to reach the audience that your brand wants to fall in love with.

Thus, the marketing team seeks visibility against the competition and their potential buyers.

2. Boost Interactions

The marketing team has to define and create, together with the sales team, the buyer person. Which will be essential to know who they want to attract.

The marketing department creates content specifically focused on a community and speaks to it in such a way that the audience connects with the brand. Encourage interaction to move the people who make up your audience. It also multiplies digital channels. Giving you more points to attract potential customers, which is an essential task to help the sales team.

3. Communicate all the Time

The marketing team maintains communication all the time with users and their audience (visitors, leads, prospects and customers).

Create content, plan and carry out different strategies; nourishes each digital environment with the message of the brand and with the materials that will lead to converting visitors into customers.

Thus, it is vital that there is a two-way communication to know who you want to reach and where. Tracing the buyer’s journey.

4. Guide the Leads

All content and marketing efforts are intended to communicate and, as a consequence, to attract. Of course.

In this role. The marketing department tends to provide value to leads and generate solutions that ultimately translate into sales pitches.

5. Continue to Amplify Opportunities

Since the marketing department always tends to make the most of all its digital efforts through all the channels where it operates: social networks, digital guidelines, SEO, among others. By creating more and more opportunities by optimizing different strategies digitally. The process becomes similar to a relay race in which the marketing team passes the baton to the sales area.

Also Read : Creative Development, Definition, Characteristics, And More

Helpful Resources:

What plan to the Web Business Plan – Full Summary

What Is The Blockchain: Definition, Types, Examples, Advantages, And Utilities


Blockchain, or a chain of blocks, is a distributed digital ledger that stores data of any kind.

Blockchains are digital ledgers made up of individual “blocks” of data. As new data is occasionally added to the network, a new “block” is created and attached to the “chain.”

In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about Blockchain, the types that exist, and what their advantages and utilities are:

  • What is Blockchain, and how fixes it work?
  • What is the Blockchain for?
  • Types and examples of Blockchain
  • Four advantages of Blockchain

What is Blockchain, and how does fixes it work?

Blockchain, or a chain of blocks, is a distributed numerical ledger that stores data of any kind. A blockchain can record info about cryptocurrency transactions owned by NFT or Defi intelligent contracts.

The name blockchain is no accident: the digital ledger is often describ as a “chain” consisting of individual “blocks” of data. If you want to know your digital trail on the Internet, we recommend this article.

Learn how to prevent investment scams.

In addition, cryptocurrency transactions protected by cryptography must be processed by the nodes, which solve them through complex mathematical equations. Protocols like Bitcoin usually reward the effort involved in validating this shared data with new cryptocurrencies.

It is worth mentioning that there are public and private blockchains (or blockchains ). On a public blockchain, anyone can participate, which means they can read, write, or audit the data on the Blockchain. Therefore, it is challenging to alter the transactions recorded on a public blockchain, as no authority controls the nodes.

What is the Blockchain for?

Although Blockchain could be used to store any information and to carry out reliable verifications of the identity of a person, the most frequent uses of blockchains today are in the following areas:

  • Cryptocurrencies: The most common use of Blockchain today is storing and recording data related to cryptocurrency transactions. The more people use cryptocurrencies, the more the Blockchain will become widespread.
  • Banking: Beyond cryptocurrencies, Blockchain is using to process fiat currency transactions, such as dollars and euros. This could streamline these transactions as they can be more quickly verified and processed outside of regular business times.
  • This is presently very popular with digital assets like NFT, a representation of digital art and video property.
  • Smart contracts: Another blockchain novelty is self-executing contracts, commonly called “smart contracts.” These digital contracts are automatically enacted once the conditions are met.
  • Supply chain nursing: Supply chains involve massive amounts of information, especially when goods go from one part of the world to another. Storing this info on the Blockchain would make it easier to go back and monitor the supply chain.
  • Voting: Experts are looking for ways to apply Blockchain to prevent voting fraud. If you want to know why you vote what you vote, we recommend this article.

Types and examples of Blockchain

Given the characteristics of Blockchain, it is easy to think about which are the sectors in which this technology has the most room and future:

  • Banking: The banking sector was the first to incorporate the Blockchain into its operational processes, as this technology was born in a transactional environment. Blockchain can facilitate the commercialization of certain banking products and ensure the speed of operations and avoid fraud risks. If you want to study how to prevent online banking fraud, we recommend this article.
  • Insurance: Blockchain allows more efficient payments and premium collections management and reduces operational costs by streamlining all processes. As already mentioned, the BC is also beneficial for detecting fraud, like double-dipping insurance, and brings a lot of transparency to actions. If you want to know how to avoid phishing, we recommend this article.
  • Telecommunications: The BC offers a series of advantages associated with authentication and security. Therefore, BC will impact the telecommunications sector, especially concerning network and business management. It helps to improve the competitiveness of the company and customer satisfaction. If you want to see more about Modest Intelligence, we recommend this article


  • Blockchain allows different companies associated with the same logistics process to make safe and complete traceability of each stage of a product. In addition, the convenience of intelligent contracts improves productivity and optimizes logistics processes.
  • Medicine: BC also allows you to follow the traceability of drugs easily. In addition, it will enable immediate and complete access to medical records, treatments, and identifications by doctors, patients, and researchers. The BC favors that the patient-healthcare personnel relationship can be direct and personalized.
  • Business audits: Thanks to the qualities of the BC in terms of traceability and transparency, any organization can audit its activity without interfering with business processes under development.
  • Media: Thanks to BC, communication professionals can reach audiences directly without going to intermediaries (media). On the other hand, content creators (not journalists) are gaining more and more relevance and more money with creating their information. For example, through the Steemit platform (based on BC), blog content creators receive payments in cryptocurrencies based on the popularity of their knowledge.
  • Public administration: Several countries have already incorporated BC technology to generate a decentralized national administration and improve the experience of employees and inhabitants.
  • Copyright: BC gives authors the ability to have more control over the unauthorized use of their works. There are platforms (CoalaIP, Mediachain, Monograph) that store images and audios owned by users in databases that allow the automatic distribution of said works upon receipt of an agreed payment.
  • Online sales: The BC allows the emergence of initiatives such as OpenBazaar. Which uses BC to connect buyers directly with sellers, without intermediaries. For example, banks can become technology companies with transactional software services, technology companies develop platforms with non-bank banking functions, and telephone companies become a kind of communication and identity management media.

Also Read : Quantum Computing – What is Quantum Computing?

What is Quantum Computing?


While Quantum Computing technology is relatively nascent, it influences a new generation of simulations that are already running on classic computers and are now accelerated with the NVIDIA quantum SDK.

Twenty-seven years before Steve Jobs introduced a pocket-sized computer, physicist Paul Benioff published an article showing that, in theory, it was possible to build a much more robust system that could be hidden in a thimble: a computer. Quantum.

The name of this concept comes from the subatomic physics that it tried to take advantage. Benioff described in 1980 still drives research today, including efforts to build the next big thing in computing: a system that could make a PC look just as picturesque as an abacus.

Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize winner whose witty lectures brought physics to a broad audience, helped establish the field, outlining how such systems could simulate wacky quantum phenomena more efficiently than traditional computers.

So What Is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computing uses the physics that governs subatomic particles to perform sophisticated parallel calculations, replacing the more simplistic transistors in today’s computers.

Quantum computers calculate using qubits, computing units that can be on, off, or whatever value in between, rather than the bits in traditional computers that are on or off, one or zero. The qubit’s ability to live in the intermediate state, called superposition, adds a powerful ability to the computing equation, making quantum computers superior for some types of math.

What Does a Quantum Computer Do?

Quantum computers can perform calculations that would take a long time for classical computers if they could finish them at all.

For example, today’s computers use eight bits to represent any number between 0 and 255. Thanks to features like superposition, a quantum computer can simultaneously use eight qubits to represent all numbers between 0 and 255.

It’s a feature like parallelism in computation: All possibilities are calculated simultaneously rather than sequentially, providing tremendous accelerations.

So while a classical computer performs long division calculations one at a time to factor a huge number. A quantum computer can get the answer in one step. Boom!

That means quantum computers could reshape entire fields, like cryptography, that rely on factoring huge numbers today.

A Big Role for Small Simulations

That could be just the beginning. Some experts believe that quantum computers will push past the limits that now hamper simulations in chemistry, materials science. And anything else involving worlds built from the nano-sized bricks of quantum mechanics.

Quantum computers could even extend the life of semiconductors by helping engineers create more sophisticated simulations of the quantum effects they are beginning to find in today’s smaller transistors.

Experts say that quantum computers will ultimately not replace classical computers but rather complement them. And some predict that quantum computers will be used as accelerators just as much as GPUs accelerate today’s computers.

How Does Quantum Computing Work?

How Does Quantum Computing Work

Don’t expect to build your quantum computer as a DIY PC with parts pulled from discount bins at your local electronics store.

The few systems in operation today typically require cooling that creates working environments just above absolute zero. They need that arctic computing to handle the fragile quantum states that power these systems.

An example graphs how difficult it can be to build a quantum computer: to create a qubit, a prototype suspends an atom between two lasers. Try it in your home workshop!

Quantum computing needs muscles to create something called entanglement. That’s when two or more qubits exist in a single quantum state. A condition that is sometimes measured by electromagnetic waves just one millimeter wide.

If you add too much energy to that wave, you will lose the entanglement, overlap, or both.

What’s the State of Quantum Computers?

A few companies, such as Alibaba, Google, Honeywell, IBM, IonQ, and Xanadu, operate the first versions of quantum computers today.

Today they provide dozens of qubits. But qubits can be noisy, which sometimes makes them unreliable. To reliably address real-world problems, systems need tens or hundreds of thousands of qubits.

Experts believe it could be a couple of decades before we reach a high-fidelity era in which quantum computers are beneficial.

Predictions of when we reach the so-called supremacy of quantum computing. The moment when quantum computers perform tasks that classical computers cannot. Is the subject of a heated debate in the industry.

Accelerating Quantum Circuit Simulations Today

The good news is that the world of AI and machine learning puts both accelerators and GPUs on the spot. Which can perform many kinds of operations that quantum computers would compute with qubits.

So classical computers are already finding ways to host quantum simulations with GPUs today. For example, NVIDIA ran a state-of-the-art quantum simulation on Selene, our in-house AI supercomputer.

At the GTC keynote, NVIDIA introduced the SDL cuQuantum to accelerate quantum circuit simulations running on GPUs. The first works suggest that quantum will be able to offer accelerations of orders of magnitude.

The SDK takes an agnostic approach to provide a variety of tools that users can choose from to best suit their strategy. For example, the state vector method provides high-fidelity results, but its memory requirements grow exponentially with the number of qubits.

That creates a practical limit of about 50 qubits on today’s largest classic supercomputers. However, we have seen great results (below) using quantum to speed up quantum circuit simulations using this method.

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E-Commerce – What Is An E-Commerce Website?


Most savvy business owners know that taking advantage of the Internet market generally opens the door to new markets and customers. They create company web pages to promote their business and attract new clients. E-Commerce Business Website

There are several types of e-commerce websites. Depending on the size of the company, the budget of the company, and the functionality of the website.

The common denominator in all types of e-commerce websites is that the customer is able to see future products or services, choose one and order online.

The E-Commerce Business Website model is an integral part of modern business plans. Most customers want the convenience of identifying and purchasing products in the privacy of their homes.

Most of the major retailers have e-commerce websites to expand their customer base and access new markets. For example, customers who do not live near the retail location can now purchase company products.

Some companies don’t even have to have a retail store – they can do all of their business on an e-commerce website, and can conduct operations remotely to save money on staffing, rent, and utilities.

An e-commerce website follows these steps:

  1. A buyer lands on the website. The website displays categories and products that are uploaded to the e-commerce website file.
  2. A client can add items to their cart and make an account. Again, all the information is kept in the database, albeit temporarily.
  3. Once the purchase is complete, the website must be secure by displaying a padlock symbol and using an SSL diploma.
  4. During counter, the website may use third-party software to obtain shipping rates
  5. When you enter your credit card number, the information is passed to a payment gateway such as PayPal
  6. Your order is now complete. The e-commerce website should not have your payment information in its database. All confidential information is stored with the payment processor.

Can I create an eCommerce website for free?

Yes of course you can. Most of these platforms that we have covered allow users to set up free e-commerce websites with limited functionalities. But, there are a couple of exceptions like Square, for example, that are generous enough to provide full eCommerce features at no cost.

What is the best platform to create an e-commerce website?

Although there are a number of seemingly dominant options that you may have heard of, the market for the ecommerce platform is quite extensive.

There is no definitive platform for creating an ecommerce site. Rather, the appropriateness of a platform be contingent on your specific needs.

How long does it take to shape an ecommerce website?

The fact is, it can take five minutes, ten minutes, hours, or even days. It all be contingent on your skills, the type of online store you are building, its overall complexity, plus the website building functionalities that the platform you choose to take advantage of offers.

A good example is Shopify, which delivers favorable functionality to create an ecommerce site in less than 15 minutes.

Bottom Line: Is An Open Source Ecommerce Stage Right For You?

I just want you to distinguish that there are many additional open basis programs that I have not mentioned.

The best part is that apiece of these is free and in constant development. It’s a great advantage if you want to save a little money in the short term and scale easily in the long term.

Although open source ecommerce platforms have their advantages, you should seriously consider an open source answer like Shopify , BigCommerce,  or Volusion . With these stages you only pay a small monthly fee, you don’t have to maintain your site as much or search for accommodation, and you always receive dedicated customer support.

In my opinion, this type of ecommerce framework is for fast-scale businesses that are going to hire a developer (or a team of developers) to run the entire website. But if you don’t have the money for this type of employee, you better be ramping up with something like Shopify.

If you have any questions about this version of the open source ecommerce platforms, please let us know in the comments below.

Also Read : The 10 Best Sites To Create A Free Website

The 10 Best Sites To Create A Free Website


Today, anyone can create a website, regardless of their level of technical knowledge. We know it might sound complicated, but right now there are tools to make it easier for you. This article will provide you with a step by step guide on how to build a website. Free Website

If you want to build your website, be it personal or professional, and be one of the 726 million active existing websites, on abc.es we offer you a “Top 10” list of the best sites to do it for free, following the results of the opinion poll carried out among 43,647 people on the blogging.org portal. Free Website

1. Wix.

Wix is a platform for building Web pages in the HTML5 programming language . Its main feature is the Drag & Drop system, that is, drag and drop, which makes it very intuitive and ideal for anyone without programming knowledge to create a website on the Internet.

At Wix, we can build our website the easy way with impressive results. Wix hosts over 26 million websites on its platform and over 30,000 daily users are logged.

2. Weebly.

Weebly is an online platform to create web pages and blogs for free and without the need for great technical knowledge on the matter. It is a very simple and intuitive interface that allows the user to create their own website quickly and easily.

Weebly offers a powerful drag-and-drop system in the editor and a hundred professional templates to create a web page. Over 12 million people currently use Weebly.

3. 000host.

Transparency is their motto, there are no hidden costs. Free accounts have 1.5 GB of disk space, 100 GB of traffic. They proudly claim that their servers have been online 99.9% of the time in the past 5 years.

We believe in the power of ideas. To make them happen you need powerful tools that are reliable, easy to use, and give your creative mind enough freedom. This mindset was what led us to become the leaders in free web hosting services and our users are the proof

4. Yola.

It is a website builder and website hosting company based in San Francisco. However, it was founded in Cape Town, South Africa. People without programming and graphic design skills can make websites using Yola. Its drag and drop system allows users to incorporate widgets without knowing HTML. These are some of the great benefits of accommodation in Yola.

It allows you to create professional looking websites in minutes without any technical background. It currently has 7 million customers.

5. EDUBlogs.

Designed for students and educators, it is recognized as the most widely hand-me-down service for .edu websites. Right nowadays they have 1.6 million blogs and 32 GB of free space for students and teachers. It remains used by universities like Stanford.

6. Freehosty.

This service offers 250MB of disk space and 6GB of traffic, less than the rest, its strong point is its 24/7 support and its 99.9% service guarantee.

7. Canvas.

Webs.com is a very easy to use system with hundreds of templates to customize your website with. In return for the service, webs.com installs a small advertisement on your website. Recording takes 30 seconds, and the web is finished, about an hour.

8. 5 GB free.

20 GB of disk space, 3 MySQL databases, c-panel, and above all, 100% free without advertising.9. Jimdo.

A basic and sign up, fast service, choose a theme and the web is up and running. It has, it currently has around 7 million hosted portals.

10. Free Hosting.com.

They have several simple tools and services to make your website attractive. FreeHosting is 100% free service with no pressure to buy or pay for anything.


Extra If you want to consolidate and share information, such as images, documents and links, all in one web page and without complications, in a minute it’s all done.


Benefits Of Having A Website On The Internet


Technological advances require modern tools, efficient communications, permanent updating of information, strategies, and methodologies. Website

The Internet offers the possibility of being always available anywhere and at any time.

Currently, promoting yourself on the Internet is not a luxury. It is a necessity.

What are the Assistances And Advantages of having a Website?

Today, the Internet is a tool used worldwide and allows us to access multiple resources and get to know other companies with ease.

Many companies grow thanks to their websites exponentially.

To get a extra exact knowledge of ​​how many users can access a website, there are 927,492,299 people in America, of which 431,939,479 have Internet access. They represent 46.6% of the population.

Without a website, the business must have its office open and answer the phone to provide service to its potential customers. However, only having a website is not enough, because you want people to find you searching relevant keywords on Google. That’s where SEO companies in San Diego come in very handy, as they will help you each step of the way in optimization of your website.

With a website, potential customers can discover your products and services anytime, wherever, with an Internet connection.

The key social activity on the Internet of users.

40% of the population uses the Internet

30% of Internet users are between 25 and 40 years old.

The busiest day on the internet is Friday.

The average daily Internet connection time of a user is equivalent to 5 hours.

The three main activities on the Internet are sending or receiving e-mail, searching for information, and accessing social media.

9 out of 10 people access a social network: INEGI México

Internet user activities in Mexico

What is a Web Page?

A web page is an electronic document or information adapted to the World Wide Web that is usually part of a website.

Its main feature is the one-page hyperlinks, which is the basis of the WWW.

A web page mainly consists of information (only text or multimedia modules) as fine as hyperlinks.

The content of the page can remain predetermined (static web page) or generated by viewing it or requesting it from a web server (dynamic web page).

Regarding the structure of web pages. Some organizations, notably the W3C, tend to establish guidelines to standardize the design, facilitate and simplify the visualization and interpretation of content.

What stays a Website?

It remains a collection of connected web pages and familiar to an Internet domain.

The pages of the website frequently remain accessible through a standard root URL called the home page, which usually resides on the same physical server.

URLs organize pages in a hierarchy.

The pages of a website remain frequently accessed through a common root URL called a home page. Which frequently resides on the similar physical server.

URLs organize sheets in a hierarchy.

Any website may contain Hyperlinks to Another Website.

You should not confuse a website with a website; the latter is just an HTML file, an HTML unit, which is part of a website.

The Internet search is carried out by associating the entered DNS with the IP address of the server which contains the Internet site on which the searched HTML page is located.

The sites are printed in HTML code and can be accessed using handy software called a web browser also known as HTTP.

Benefits Of Having A Website On The Internet


Benefits Of Having A Website On The Internet

The Internet is a tool used worldwide that allows us to access multiple resources and meet other people with ease.

Technological advances require modern tools, efficient communications, permanent updating of information, strategies, and methodologies.

The communication speed offered by the Internet and its unrestricted access to all the equipment connected to the network makes it an ideal means to meet those needs.

The Internet offers the possibility of being always available anywhere and at any time.

Currently, promoting yourself on the Internet is not a luxury. It is a necessity.

What are the Assistances And Advantages of having a Website?

Today, the Internet is a tool used worldwide and allows us to access multiple resources and get to know other companies with ease.

Many companies grow thanks to their websites exponentially.

To get a extra exact knowledge of ​​how many users can access a website, there are 927,492,299 people in America, of which 431,939,479 have Internet access. They represent 46.6% of the population.

Without a website, the business must have its office open and answer the phone to provide service to its potential customers.

With a website, potential customers can discover your products and services anytime, wherever, with an Internet connection.

The key social activity on the Internet of users.

40% of the population uses the Internet

30% of Internet users are between 25 and 40 years old.

The busiest day on the internet is Friday.

The average daily Internet connection time of a user is equivalent to 5 hours.

The three main activities on the Internet are sending or receiving e-mail, searching for information, and accessing social media.

9 out of 10 people access a social network: INEGI México

Internet user activities in Mexico

What is a Web Page?

A web page is an electronic document or information adapted to the World Wide Web that is usually part of a website.

Its main feature is the one-page hyperlinks, which is the basis of the WWW.

A web page mainly consists of information (only text or multimedia modules) as fine as hyperlinks.

The content of the page can remain predetermined (static web page) or generated by viewing it or requesting it from a web server (dynamic web page).

Regarding the structure of web pages, some organizations, notably the W3C, tend to establish guidelines to standardize the design, facilitate and simplify the visualization and interpretation of content.

A web page is basically a digital business card for businesses, administrations, people, etc.

What stays a Website?

It remains a collection of connected web pages and familiar to an Internet domain.

The pages of the website frequently remain accessible through a standard root URL called the home page. Which usually resides on the same physical server.

URLs organize pages in a hierarchy.

It remain a collection of web pages linked and common to an Internet domain.

The pages of a website remain frequently accessed through a common root URL called a home page. Which frequently resides on the similar physical server.

URLs organize sheets in a hierarchy.

A website stays a large, organized documentary space that most of the time is usually devoted to a particular topic or objective.

Any website may contain Hyperlinks to Another Website.

You should not confuse a website with a website; the latter is just an HTML file, an HTML unit, which is part of a website.

When you enter a web address, such as https://disenowebakus.net. Also, You are always referring to a website, the one that has an initial HTML page, which is usually the first to be viewed (index.html).

The Internet search remain carried out by associating the entered DNS with the IP address of the server. Which contains the Internet site on which the searched HTML page is located.

The sites are printed in HTML code and can stay accessed using handy software called a web browser, also known as HTTP.

Websites can stay accessed or viewed from a wide variety of devices with an Internet connection. Such as personal computers, laptops, PDAs, and cell phones.

But, A website remain hosted on a computer called a web server. Also known as an HTTP server, and these can also refer to software running on that computer that retrieves and delivers the pages of a website in response to user requests.

Although, Apache remain Microsoft’s most commonly used IIS server and program.

Similarly, A static website is a site whose content should not change frequently. And which remain managed manually by one or more people using some type of editing program. consumes content that remain not expected to change frequently and remains manually maintained by someone using some editor program.

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